Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Religion is the legislation of God to establish JUSTICE among people by the efforts of the pious and those on the righteous path, thus, the elite oppose religion because it will bring justice. All religions warned their people from the greedy elite, Chaos has been demonstrated to occur when the people voluntary submit to the rule of the elite. the Bible, for instance, St. Matthew's warning in Chapter 6, Verse 24 of his Gospel: "Ye cannot serve God and mammon"—i.e. worldliness, riches and greed. In the Holy Quran (34:34) we reed: "And We never sent a warner to a town but those who led lives in luxury in it said: We are surely disbelievers in what you are sent with."

HAVE YOU ever wondered where the Banks get all their money from? When they grant you a loan or allow you an overdraft, where does the money come from? According to Frederick Soddy, former eminent Oxford University Professor, Banks are: “Institutions which pretend to lend money, and do not lend it, but create it, and when it is repaid to them, de-create it and have achieved the physically impossible miracle thereby, not only of getting something for nothing but also of getting perennial interest from it.”

As such, the Banks create money out of nothing and charge you, the customer, over 10% interest to borrow it. And woe betide you if you default. It is a delusion promoted by the Banks themselves that they are merely the custodians of their customers’ deposits, that they lend these same deposits, and that their profit consists of the difference in the rate of interest they pay depositors, and the interest they receive from borrowers.

The truth is that no Bank lends as much as a penny of the money deposited with it. Every Bank loan or overdraft is a creation of entirely new money (credit) and is a clear addition to the amount of money in the community. It is no more than a record in a Bank ledger or computer and is actually the creation of new money out of nothing.

When an account is drawn on by cheque and the cheque is lodged in another account at the same or another Bank, a deposit is created and the supply of money increased. Thus Bank loans create “deposits” which are not the source of loan money, but rather the other way round—they are the outcome of loans. Banks can create credit virtually without restraint. But usually sound Banking practice limits the creation of credit to nine or ten times the amount of cash or legal tender which a Bank holds.

Every Director of a Bank—if not every local branch Bank Manager—is guilty of a deliberate fraud and hoax against their individual clients, this fraud or hoax is quit simple: "A Bank makes an entry in one of its own ledgers (nowadays a computer file). This act brings a sum of ‘money’ into ‘existence’. That sum of ‘money’ is then loaned to a customer—generally by means of a ‘credit’ to his account, which he ‘spends’ by issuing cheques. The loan, however, must be secured by a collateral of real value such as a house, and must be repaid—‘capital’ and interest—in real money, that is, money that has had to be worked for and is therefore a token of real wealth. Thereafter, by another stroke of the pen (or tap of the computer keys) the ‘capital’ sum originally created can be made to disappear out of existence." IT REALLY IS A MAGIC TRICK!!!

In the early thirties, the Great Depression was deliberately engineered and contrived by the Banking elite through restricting credit (overdrafts, loans) and plunging nations into unemployment and bankruptcy for millions. In this planned crisis there was no shortage of goods, the shops and stores were full, but the Banks stopped the flow of money.

Governments, councils, businesses and industry are in bondage to the Banks. Banks being the only source of money, the community has to borrow from the Banks the money to pay the interest on the money it has already borrowed. Under this system we get deeper and deeper into debt. The debts owing on public undertakings are debts in perpetuity - it's an infinite chain.

On June 25th, 1863, the Rothschild Brothers sent a letter to Messrs Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould at No. 3 Wall Street, New York, which included the following passage setting out the system by which Banks monopolize the creation, control and distribution of the nation’s money from nothing and charge exorbitant interest to borrow it: "The few who understand the system ... will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand the great body of people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps even without suspecting that the system is inimical to them."

We are the mentally incapable people who bear its burdens.

Posted by Unknown On 5/28/2013 08:18:00 pm No comments


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