Thursday, 9 October 2014
Dreams give us an opportunity to look into our subconscious mind and may allow for a deeper understanding of personal psychological transformation during WAKING LIFE.
Below are twelve very common symbols found in dreams and a short description of what each one means. Dream analysis can be an interesting and fun method of self-reflection and conscious personal development, but always remember that all dreams are very personal and esoteric in nature.
We often remember dreams where we were being chased because it makes us anxious and fearful. The message in these types of dreams is usually about what you are running from. The mind is giving you a hint that something needs your attention, something that you are not addressing, but should.
Seeing people in a dream is a representation of the various aspects of the Self. This may give the dreamer ideas of which personal characteristics need attention. If you dream of specific people, this may indicate which interpersonal issues you need to work through, or if you’re detached from a specific aspect of yourself.
There are several layers of consciousness that comprise the mind. Within a dream, a house is believed to be a representation of the dreamer’s mind, with its different floors and rooms relating to the various aspects of the psyche. For example, a basement can represent something that’s been neglected or is not being amply acknowledged by the dreamer in waking life; and bedrooms can represent intimate thoughts, feelings and memories. The activity in the house signifies how the dreamer utilizes the structure of the mind to acquire and interpret information.
In the physical world, food nourishes and energizes our bodies. In the dream world, food is a representation of the nourishment of our minds, or, simply put, knowledge. Dreaming about food can also be interpreted that the mind is ‘hungry’ and is seeking new insights and intellect.
When a school or classroom is present in a dream, or you dream about the various aspects of schooling such as taking a test, it signifies the learning process. This could be interpreted as a need to learn something from a situation, past or present, or that you are in need of some self-examination.
When someone appears nude in a dream, it means that a certain aspect or emotion of the dreamer is being expressed openly and without limitation, even to the point that the dreamer feels exposed or vulnerable.
When one dreams of sexual intercourse, it may represent the unification of unconscious desires and emotions with conscious recognition. Dreaming about sex can also symbolize creation of new intimate relationships with others or with the Self. In many instances, sex dreams are simply an outlet for sexual expression.
Vehicles in a dream symbolize a means for experiencing what is happening in our conscious life, how much control we think we have over the path that the experience presents, and the obstacles we are facing. The type and size of vehicle can indicate different messages. For example, large vehicles can symbolize the organization that is enabling the experience, such as your church or company, an ambulance would indicate a need for healing, and a police car would indicate a need for discipline.
Dreaming about a baby often represents a new idea or development or the potential for growth in a specific area of your conscious life.
In the language of the mind, death usually represents the shift from one state of being to another. Although many may perceive death in a dream as frightening or negative, it usually correlates to a dramatic change or transition that is happening in the dreamer’s life.
Considering that the function of animals is mostly based on instinct, the presence of animals in a dream is a representation of the dreamer’s habits. Dreaming about animals can be very helpful in gaining insight into our daily patterns as well as our deepest desires. The type of animal, what it is doing and its habitat can all affect the message that is being communicated by the unconscious mind.
Usually, if you are falling during a dream, it symbolizes the process of returning to the state of awake consciousness. Most often than not, the dreamer does not ‘hit bottom’ but will awaken or stop dreaming beforehand. Some believe that if you are falling uncontrollably in a dream, it represents that you don’t feel in control of a certain aspect of your waking life or are afraid to let go of something.
Carl Jung states:
“It is plain foolishness to believe in ready-made systematic guides to dream interpretation. No dream symbol can be separated from the individual who dreams it, and there is no definite or straightforward interpretation of any dream.” – Man and His Symbols
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Karma, in a layman's words, is an individual's action, intention, work, or deed. In simple terms, it can be said that your actions define your future, for what you sow, is what you'll reap. In order to live a happy and peaceful life, it is very important that we create good karma around us. Our goodness, love, care and help towards others is what will lead us to a calm and happy life. Don't do wrong to anyone, even if you feel he has done wrong to you. Revenge is never the answer, as it lessens his wrongful deeds and adds to yours. Always remember no person can get away with harming another, he, sooner or later, has to pay for his karma.
There have always been arguments over whether karma relates to the deeds of past life, or the present ones affecting the future. The cycle goes both ways. It is observed that at some point of time a person experiences undeserved sufferings and pains. This can be related to one’s past wrongful deeds. The only way to get rid of this is by staying positive and creating good karma around you, to the extent that it overpowers the wrong deeds of your past.
Here are a few ways to help you create good karma around yourself.
Think Positive: Your thoughts define your personality, and with a positive outlook towards life, people and work, you will automatically create a positive bubble for yourself. A positive mind only thinks of betterment, and the one who thinks of betterment of all, is only adding to his good deeds.
Spread Love: Love more, hate less. Not a new ideology though, but worth mentioning. You can win over evil just by the simple act of love. It isn’t easy to be good to people who may not be treating you right, but remember, never stoop down to that person's level in order to deal with him. It will only fill up your heart and mind with negativity. Try to be nice always, don’t hurt anyone, stay happy and spread happiness. Ignore negative people.
Understand Pain: Always think before acting. Never let your actions be the reason for a person's pain. We must understand that if our actions hurt, or cause pain to another, it only adds to our bad deeds which sooner or later, will get back to us.
Clear Intentions and thoughts: Bad action creates bad karma and so does bad intent. We may feel that what we think or feel remains with us, but such is never the case. Every thought is accountable. You should always be careful of what you think, for it soon changes into actions and every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Select your friends wisely: We are generally known by the people we hang around with. It is a common notion and a much factual one too that, the people we stay with most of our time have an impact on our behavior and thinking. It is therefore very important to stay with positive, happy and kind-hearted people. Spending time with negative and evil souls will only, sooner or later, incorporate the same feelings in you.
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